DIN Fasteners Standard 561 A

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Equivalent Standards

561 A Hexagon head screws with small hexagon and dog point - steel Dimensions

Thread d p a1 da dp e k kw r s z2
  max max nom=max min min nom min max min min nom=max min nom = min max
M6 - 1 3 6.8 4 3.82 8.79 5 4.85 5.15 3.4 0.25 8 7.78 3 3.25
M8 - 1.25 3.75 9.2 5.5 5.32 11.05 6 5.85 6.15 4.1 0.4 10 9.78 4 4.3
M10 - 1.5 4.5 11.2 7 6.78 14.38 7 6.82 7.18 4.8 0.4 13 12.73 5 5.3
M12 - 1.75 5.25 13.7 8.5 8.28 17.77 9 8.82 9.18 6.2 0.6 16 15.73 6 6.3
M16 - 2 6 17.7 12 11.73 19.92 11 10.79 11.21 7.6 0.6 18 17.73 8 8.36
M20 M20x2 2.5 7.5 22.4 15 14.73 26.75 14 13.79 14.21 9.7 0.8 24 23.67 10 10.36
M24 M24x2 3 9 26.4 18 17.73 33.53 17 16.79 17.21 11.8 0.8 30 29.67 12 12.43
M30 M30x2 3.5 10.5 33.4 23 22.67 39.98 21 20.74 21.26 14.5 1 36 35.38 15 15.43
M36 M36x3 4 12 39.4 28 27.67 51.28 25 24.74 25.26 17.3 1 46 45.38 18 18.43
M42 M42x3 4.5 13.5 45.6 32 31.61 61.31 30 29.74 30.26 20.8 1.2 55 54.26 21 21.52
M48 M48x3 5 15 52.6 38 37.61 72.61 34 33.69 34.31 23.6 1.6 65 64.26 24 24.52
M56 M56x3 5.5 16.5 63 45 44.61 83.91 40 39.69 40.31 27.8 2 75 74.26 28 28.52