DIN Fasteners Standard 479

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Equivalent Standards

Dimensions of Square Head Bolts With Short Dog Point

Dimensions Thread d
P a1 dp e k
max nominal=max min nominal=max min nominal max min
M 5 0.8 2.4 3.5 3.32 6.5 5.92 5 4.85 5.15
M 6 1 3 4 3.82 8 7.42 6 5.85 6.15
M 8 1.25 4 5.5 5.32 10 9.42 8 7.82 8.18
M 10 1.5 4.5 7 6.78 13 12.3 10 9.82 10.18
M 12 1.75 5.3 8.5 8.28 17 16.3 12 11.79 12.21
M 16 2 6 12 11.73 22 21.16 16 15.79 16.21
M 20 2.5 7.5 15 14.73 28 27.16 20 19.74 20.26
M 24 3 9 18 17.78 32 31 22 21.74 22.26
Dimensions Thread d
k' r s z1
min min nominal=max min nominal=max min
M 5 3.4 0.2 5 4.82 1.25 1.5
M 6 4.1 0.25 6 5.82 1.5 1.75
M 8 5.5 0.4 8 7.78 2 2.25
M 10 6.9 0.4 10 9.78 2.5 2.75
M 12 8.3 0.6 13 12.73 3 3.25
M 16 11.1 0.6 17 16.73 4 4.3
M 20 13.8 0.8 22 21.67 5 2.3
M 24 15.2 0.8 24 23.67 6 6.3

DIN 479 Square Head Bolts Weights

Diameter M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
8 2.59 3.00
10 2.83 3.35 7.2
16 3.57 4.41 9.0 15.5
20 4.05 5.10 10.2 17.4 30.8
25 4.66 5.97 11.7 19.8 34.4
30 5.26 6.84 13.3 22.3 38.0
35 5.87 7.71 14.9 24.8 41.6
40 6.48 8.58 16.4 27.3 45.2 87.6
45 9.44 18.0 29.7 48.8 94.3
50 19.5 32.2 52.4 101 176
55 21.1 34.7 56.0 107 186 259
60 37.2 59.6 114 197 273
70 66.8 127 217 303
80 74.0 140 238 333
90 81.2 153 258 362
100 167 279 392
110 180 299 421
120 193 320 451
140 361 510

Weights are in kilograms per 1,000 pieces unless otherwise specified. All weights are approximations and strictly informative.